If you have ever had costly car repairs that have set you back a lot of money all at once, you know that these expenses can add up and make life a lot more complicated. Not being able to get to work efficiently, visit family, or head to other places for business and pleasure can make life more difficult, not to mention these expenses coming in suddenly and unexpectedly. Getting protection can save you a lot of money, and depending on your cars make and model, you may be at more risk for breakdowns.
Mechanical breakdown insurance allows you to get insurance coverage in case a breakdown that is unrelated to a collision happens. You pay a fee each month, and a deductible if you file a claim. This can bring great peace of mind and keep you from having a huge car repair bill to pay before you can fix your car.
Not all car insurance providers offer Mechanical Breakdown Insurance (MBI), so this list of the best car insurance companies for mechanical breakdown insurance is here to guide you. With this list of companies, you can see the pros and cons of each, and make an educated decision on which is best for you. Keep in mind that each company may offer multiple MBI insurance plans, most of them have deductibles, not all vehicles are covered by every company, and only some providers offer high mileage policies.
List of Top Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Companies
Progressive calls their policy a mechanical repair plan, but it is the same thing as an MBI plan. The plan is offered through a third-party called WarrantyDirect. Positives include that you can use any licensed repair shop and you only pay one deductible per shop visit, which is excellent. You get other free things with the plan too, like car rental reimbursement, roadside assistance, and trip interruption protection.
High mileage plans are available with Progressive, but you will be paying more for one of them.
For new and leased cars that are less than 15 months old, GEICO offers breakdown insurance. The policy that they provide can be renewed for up to seven years or can last until your vehicle hits 100,001 miles on its odometer. The plan has a $250 deductible, which covers repairs to all mechanical parts, excluding regular maintenance, as well as wear and tear.
Plans must start before a car has been driven for 15 months.
The MBI that AAA offers is called AAA Vehicle Protection. There are options for vehicles of any year or mileage. As a bonus, if you bring your car to a car shop owned by AAA, you will pay no deductible. For other approved car shops the deductible is $50. There are other perks to a AAA plan, which include battery replacement, rental car coverage and more.
Read the fine print. Of the three plans offered, not all of them cover all repairs. Make sure to purchase the right level of car protection coverage to fit your needs.
With USAA, you can get mechanical breakdown insurance. It is provided by a third-party insurance company called Assurant Solutions. Insurance is offered for vehicles that have less than 115,000 miles on the odometer, and only to cars that are ten years old or newer. Roadside assistance (up to $100), alternate transportation (up to $250 per occurrence), and travel reimbursement (up to $300 per occurrence) are included.
Plans with Assurant Solutions cannot be renewed once they expire. Also, once your car goes over the mileage limit, it is no longer covered.
Liberty Mutual
Called a Vehicle Service Plan by Liberty Mutual, this mechanical breakdown coverage plan protects you from the hassles of repair. You can use a licensed dealer of your choice, and with convenient monthly payments, you won’t be hit with significant and unexpected bills. There are many plan options available with Liberty Mutual, there are no long-term contracts, and rental car and travel reimbursement are also included.
Monthly payment amounts are fixed for three years, then re-evaluated.
What Is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance?
Mechanical breakdown insurance covers many major repairs that can occur to your vehicle that are not covered by other types of insurance. There are many different names that this insurance is called by, which varies by company,
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance vs. Extended Car Warranties
While they have many similarities, but the main differences are that mechanical breakdown coverage often has less restrictions and lower premiums. They also tend to have more flexibility as to where you can get your vehicle repaired. Extended warranty coverage does have lower deductibles. Regardless of which you choose, make sure you use RCarParts to do your research, you can get the best car information here, as well as leads on the top deals.